Golden CRAB YOLK!! Greatest Ever SPICY SEAFOOD on The Beach! ? ?

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NAKHON SI THAMMARAT – Welcome to Nakhon Si Thammarat, located in Southern Thailand, and one of my favorite provinces in Thailand. It’s home to some of the spiciest, and most flavorful food in all of Thailand, and they have an abundance of delicious seafood. Today we’re taking a day trip to Laem Talumphuk, which is a cape jetting into the ocean just a 45 minute drive from Nakhon Si Thammarat. Get ready to eat some serious Thai seafood!

Cha-Run Seafood (ร้านจ่ารุณ) – Along the cape, you’ll find a number of seafood restaurants, right along the sand. We chose to eat at Cha-Run Seafood (ร้านจ่ารุณ), and I can tell you right away, highly recommended. It was an outstanding meal.

First of all, the owner and all the chefs were incredibly nice and so friendly, and they laughed so hard the entire time we were there about the fan exploding.

We ordered a huge amount of seafood, and southern Thai foods, including clams, a giant alien mantis shrimp the size of my forearm, mullet in sour soup, seawater catfish curry, and not forgetting the golden yellow crab roe. In addition to the seafood, there’s nothing better than sitting with your feet in the sand while you eat.

Total price – 1,520 THB ($49.17)

After lunch, we continued driving down to the end of Laem Talumphuk, mostly just to see the view. It’s quite a unique landscape and nice place to visit, but the seafood is the real reason to visit.

? Cha-Run Seafood (ร้านจ่ารุณ):



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