Best Mexican American Food!! ORIGINAL CHIMICHANGA Deep Fried Burrito + illegal “MEAT CAGE!!”

? JL Smokehouse BBQ:
? El Charro Cafe, Tucson, Arizona:

TUCSON, ARIZONA – Welcome to Tucson, Arizona, an amazing food city and it happens to be a UNESCO City of Gastronomy. Along with a ton of amazingly delicious food, the chimichanga, which is a deep fried burrito often covered in sauce, was invented at a restaurant called El Charro Cafe! Today we’re going to eat the original chimichanga, filled with carne seca, a spectacular sun dried beef.

Friends in the video:
? Adam Lehrman: (
? Jeffrey Merrihue: – Stop by at Heroic Italian ( in Santa Monica and say Hi to Jeffrey who is there most days!
? Mexi Papa: @Mexi papa Adventures (

In 1922, Tia Monica Flin had a wrapped burrito in hand when she accidentally dropped it into the deep fat fryer. After being deep fried, it turned out it was a good thing, and they kept it! I love any accidental deep fry story and the chimichanga is no different. Today, they are known for a number of different things – inventing the original chimichanga, and carne seca, thin slices of beef which sun dry in a hanging cage above the restaurant. The carne seca is dried for two days, then shredded and cooked down with onions, tomatoes, and chilies. It’s then filled into your chimichanga. The combination of deep fried crispy tortilla and the smoky condensed flavor of the carne seca was something truly special.

Jeffrey, Mexi Papa, Adam, and I, all agreed that this is a one of a kind restaurant and the food is absolutely delicious. Without a doubt one of the best Mexican American / Tex Mex restaurants I’ve ever been too. That accidental deep fried burrito (a chimichanga) is truly a culinary experience and a gem of Tucson, Arizona.

? El Charro Cafe:



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